
If you are a new visitor, welcome! Since early 2012, I have been working on a book about my Grandma’s life – that’s why my posting schedule is sporadic right now.

I started this blog in July of 2010 so I’d have a place to write about all the things which fascinate me – which, as it happens, is nearly everything under the sun. (Really. I’m not kidding.)

I’ve organized my posts into three categories – you can access them by clicking on the tabs under my header, above.

LEARNING includes a WIDE range of informational topics, leaning heavily towards kick-butt science geekery. My favorite post of 2011 was The Year in Cool, which is probably more “me” than anything I’ve written. Some other favorites were my posts about the Hubble Telescope and its mind-blowing successor, or the one about the coolest nerd ever, or the one about the real Final Frontier.

LIFE covers things I’ve experienced or family anecdotes, like our road trip to a seriously spectacular destination, or an essay celebrating the most extraordinary person I know, or my 40th birthday Monastery series – or lighthearted posts where I answer the burning questions in life.

LITERATURE is all about books and great writing, one of my greatest passions in life; here, I bliss out about authors or books that have rocked my world, everything from literary gems like Life of Pi to the master of horror, Stephen King. I tell you about some chicks who can write – and, of course, I don’t leave out the dudes.

Personal stuff: I got married at eighteen (not recommended), but I picked a great guy (highly recommended), and we’ve been married for a very long time. We have two magnificent, lively little boys who make me really happy. And tired. I used to have a career – and a paycheck – that I liked very much. I like my boys way more.

My five-year-old took the above picture of me. Yes, he rocks. We live in Oregon. Yes, it rains a lot here.

In my spare time (and I started giggling, just writing that), I run and play piano and cook and daydream. I believe in learning until you stop breathing, and I believe, steadfastly, in the gospel of Christ.

Sometimes I write things for the uber-talented Karen Zacharias. And in March of 2011, my first story, “A Good Mother,” was published in Chicken Soup for the New Mom’s Soul, under the pen name Lynn Juniper.

There are links to the right, where you can follow me on Twitter, sign up to get e-mails whenever I write a new post, or “subscribe via RSS.” (To be honest, I have no idea what that last thing means. But it means something.)

17 Responses to About

  1. Aunt Judith says:

    I knew this day would come. I knew it before there were computers, facebook or blogs. I knew it when I sent you books by G. K. Chesterton when you were five and you reacted as though I had sent one hundred dollars (in singles) in the mail with your birthday card.
    I have been so pleased to know that you have been writing, beautiful words of your own. Between the loads of light and dark laundry, sometimes while having to lie down on the floor from the sheer exhaustion of loving two beautiful boys so much.

    In our family of readers, you may have evolved to be the ultimate consumer of literature. However, at ten plus years behind you, your cousin Anna may be gaining on you.

    So for this, my first entry on your blog – which I now consider to be holy ground – I am pleased as punch to be able to say that in my literature loving ignorance I was able to contribute to your early passion with a Chesterton gift. Perhaps that casts a vote for not marrying until almost forty (as I did) so that I could occupy my time with creative shopping for my beautiful little blond haired and brilliant neice. Blessings, AJ

    • You make me so happy. I am looking at my copies of “The Gifts of the Child Christ” (George MacDonald), which you gave us when I was about 8…they remain two of my most treasured books. And yes, those early years were when I fell helplessly and forever in love with reading. Love you so.
      p.s. your eloquence has always inspired me.

      • Aunt Judith says:

        Oh, so it was George MacDonald when you were eight. Well, OK. That casts a vote for marrying earlier than forty. So that – by the time you have an adult niece who is producting a brilliant blog, you will have a little scrap of memory left to recall just what author you did introduce her to in those formative years.
        Well, nonetheless, all things do work together for good for those who love God. And here we are blogging on – too late at night just because it is too stinkin’ fun. XO AJ

      • Oh, you very well may have given me a Chesterton book, too! I know you gave us others…but I still have the MacDonald ones. And they will be making an appearance here!

  2. Lori Huhn says:

    I love your web blog. Im so proud of you

  3. Laurel Lundberg says:

    Have I told you lately that you’re brilliant? Well, you are. Now don’t get too puffed up. Okay, get a little puffed up. Cuz you’ve put in the time. Love you my friend!
    PS- I just ordered a cheap, used copy of ‘Serena’

  4. Mrs. B. says:

    I’m excited to have found your blog. (Thanks for visiting mine.)

  5. Not sure how I came across this site, I think it was thru following a link about Isaac Newton. The way you intertwined that with the idea of raising your son and letting him pursue what it is that interest him, well, that was very inspired writing. So much so that I’m inspired to now dust off my old blog heehee. Great writing, definitely bookmarking your site!

    • Nice to meet you Carlito…now I want to see your blog! Send me the link when you can. And if you’re not on Twitter…get yourself over there, posthaste. 🙂

      Thanks for commenting. I love meeting new friends and fellow geeks. Not saying you ARE one, but if you’re interested in the great I.N., well…that pegs you a little…

  6. Hamza Balol says:

    Hello Ms. Lynn,

    I guess you are the one who wrote the wonderful story “A Good Mother,” from the Chicken Soup for the Soul, right? My heart was so touched and deeply moved for the most beautiful heart touching article I have ever read in my life. The story had a very positive impact on my life. It greatly warmed my heart and gently touched my soul. The author’s writing style is very rich and the story is no doubt the heart of the book.

    Best regards,
    Hamza Balol
    Suadi Arabia

  7. suzannestock says:

    Things I love about your bio (and could have included in my own):
    1. “I believe, steadfastly, in the gospel of Christ.”
    2. “In my spare time (and I started giggling, just writing that), I run and play piano and cook and daydream.”
    3. “We have two [except I would have to edit this to three] magnificent, lively little boys who make me really happy/tired; they’re the reason I only blog once a week. I used to have a career – and a paycheck – that I liked very much. I like my boys way more.”
    4. “LITERATURE is… one of my greatest passions in life….”

    Blessings to ya, girl! 🙂

    • Cathy LaGrow says:

      Sorry I’m just now getting to this…crazy busy lately! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I love meeting kindred spirits.

      Also…THREE boys? You are my absolute hero. Two is my absolute limit…they’re the lights of my life, but I couldn’t possibly manage any more!

      If you write or have written a post about the books you like, direct me to it…

      • suzannestock says:

        I haven’t blogged about books I’ve read yet on my personal blog, but I am on Goodreads. You can get an idea of where I’m at by checking out my bookshelf on there: http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/8144374-suzanne-stock.

        I do have plans to blog through the Top 51 must-read pieces of literature based on a list put out by Barnes and Noble sometime in the future. I’m looking forward to going through some of my favorites as part of that! If you haven’t found it already, my main blog is http://suzannestock.wordpress.com.

        Blessings to you as you keep moving forward, Cathy!

  8. Silvia Dutra says:

    Dear Mrs LaGrow

    I just finished reading your book about your grandma’s extraordinary life and I just want to say that I loved it. Wow, what a story, what an amazing lady she is. I read the book yesterday, from morning to night, I just could not put it down, so touching is the story. God bless you and all your family. I hope Hollywood takes notice and make a movie about your book, the whole world must know her story. If you ever needs a translator to your book from English to Portuguese let me know, I would love to help make this jewell of a book available to my family and friends, back in Brazil. All my love to you and adorable Minka.

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